Copper ore processing plant is used for extraction process to obtain copper from crushed copper ores. Copper ore extraction Methods have evolved and vary with country depending on the ore source, local environmental regulations, and other factors.
The Copper ore processing flow chart of extracting copper from copper ore varies according to the type of ore and the desired purity of the final product. Each process consists of several steps in which unwanted materials are physically or chemically removed, and the copper concentration is progressively increased. Some of these steps are conducted at the mine site itself, while others may be conducted at separate facilities.
Copper ore mining:Copper ore mining is used to mine ores from the deposit. Firstly, remove to expose the buried ore deposit. A road to allow access for equipment spirals down the interior slopes of the pit.
Concentrating:Copper ore concentration process is used to remove some of this waste material. The copper ore is broken and brought to the surface for crushing, then is ground finely to separates the grains of ore mineral from the waste material, or gangue. Finally the copper ore concentration done by the flotation method.
Smelting:The copper smelting process is the essential step for copper ore processing. It traditionally involves two furnaces as described below. Some modern plants utilize a single furnace, which combines both operations.
Refining:Even though copper blister is 99% pure copper, it still contains high enough levels of sulfur, oxygen, and other impurities to hamper further refining. To remove or adjust the levels of these materials, the blister copper is first fire refined before it is sent to the final electrorefining process.
Copper ore processing equipments consist of mining equipment, crusher, grinding mill and concentrator and other smelting, refining machine.
Copper ore crusher is the essential crushing machine used in concentrating process. In the copper ore processing plant, copper ore crusher is used to crush mined ores into small particle size for further process.
Copper ore grinding millCopper ore grinding mill is used to grind crushed copper ores into fine powder. Ball mill is the main copper ore grinding mill. The slurry of finely ground ore that emerges from the final ball mill contains particles about 0.01 in (0.25 mm) in diameter.
Copper ore concentrator manufacturerSBM is a professional copper ore processing equipments manufacturer in China, and has 30 years of manufacturing copper ore extraction machines, SBM offer mining equipments, crusher, feeder, blet conveyor, screen and grinding mill for copper ore processing plant in Indonesia, Canada, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Chile, Zambia, Philippines, USA, Tanzania, Nigeria, South Africa, Iran, Pakistan, UK and New Zealand. We also design copper ore processing plant flow chart according to the mine ore deposits.